Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We're back!!

Well, after four months of being "at the beach", we decided it was time to return to real life. We have been so busy that I have unfortunately neglected to keep up our website but I am so excited to write this entry that I know it will inspire me to continue. As many of you already know, last weekend we paid a little visit to Heidi and Colin and their new home in Texas. She has built such a warm, inviting home for herself and Colin that it made me want to move right in!! It is amazing; from the unique floors and the moldings to the antiqued bronze hardware and the master closet that is bigger than some bedrooms, you could tell that each and every detail was thought out very carefully. However, I think my favorite part of her home was the stepping stones that lead out to the guesthouse. Each one is handmade and so thoughtfully done. What talent you have, Heidi!!
So, onto the party! What an honor it was to be a part of something so special. When Angie and Patti asked if I would help, I jumped at the chance to do it. So, I got in touch with Heidi and asked if the Norris clan could come visit her new digs and see just how big Colin has gotten in person!
So, we arrived and after chatting and taking the tour of the house, we asked her if she could come out and help with something we had for her in the truck. She did and as she says, was pretty shocked to learn that all the gifts in the overly full truck bed and backseat were for her and Colin. After I explained everything and the shock wore off, you could tell how moved she was to know just how many people were involved in this project and who truly care about her and her lovely family. As Heidi said in her blog, it really was touching to see just how much thought and consideration was put into each gift and it was so neat to be there and watch as they were all opened. Of course, Colin got such pleasure out of unwrapping most, if not all of them - he was so fast that I had a hard time keeping up with writing down what came from which person! Ben also tried to get into the fun, as you can tell from some of the pictures. After opening all the gifts, we went to dinner at Double Dave's (who have the BEST pizza rolls in the world) and got to chat and catch up some more. I really hope that we can visit more often. To Heidi; you, Colin, and the life you lead are truly an inspiration and I love reading about your adventures on your blog. Thanks for letting us come into your home and share in this experience with you. And after Peter leaves, I might have to come for an extended weekend and help you break in that fabulous guesthouse!!
P.S. A disclaimer on the photos - Peter and I forgot to get out the camera right when we got there so we didn't get to take pictures of Heidi when she saw all the gifts (plus that would have ruined the surprise) but we did get lots and lots of her, and Colin, opening the gifts. (The first two are in black and white because that was what the previous setting was.)


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

THANKS! PLEASE, PLEASE do come visit again! I would love for any one to come visit . . . well, you know what I mean! Again, thanks so much for bringing a big ray of sunshine to our home when I really needed a pick-me up! It was so good to smile and laugh again! I hope Ben did not get sick . . . he is such a good boy.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Nancy, thanks so much for putting this up. It's so good to see a new post from you, and the pictures are great! I was so proud to be able to participate...I only wish I could have been there.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Man, it's several months past February. What are you up to now? You've gotta keep us in the know. :)

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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