Saturday, June 03, 2006

Manic Motherhood

I know that is has been a little while since I have posted but this whole motherhood thing is pretty time-consuming!!!! I really had no idea just how much time this little guy could take up - there's feeding, changing diapers, bathing and dressing. Then you do it all over again because SOMEONE pooped their pants! Then comes playtime, fussy time, and hopefully sleepy time. By the time I get to the sleepy time, I am racing around just trying to catch up on anything - like maybe going to the bathroom or perhaps brushing my hair. However, as any mom will agree, it is all worth it! I was reading Vicki's post,Candid Camera, and I couldn't help but laughing because that is how I feel most days. It doesn't help that Peter is away at school for three weeks but my mom is here to help - and boy do I appreciate her (and wonder how she ever handled three kids that were all 2 years apart). Anyway, Ben is such a blessing and we couldn't imagine our lives without him. So without further ado, here are some pics from Ben's 2nd and 3rd week of life in this wonderful world:

A visit with all the cousins on the Norris side of the family...

Ben's first friend (his t-shirt actually says that); Allen Thomson and his son Alexander who was born five months earlier...

Snoozing with Daddy...

Gotta love that Boppy...
My first REAL bath (not just a sponge bath); SEE, my cord fell off!


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Ben is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing your pictures Nancy :)

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a cutie...can't wait to see him when you get to Central Texas.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger E said...

I've read your blog but haven't commented yet, and now I have to because I busted out laughing at your new mom revelations! Too funny! He is one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen and I'm not just saying that. Congrats!


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